Therefore, it is important to understand the context in which the abbreviation or term has been used. Abbreviations, acronyms, and medical terminology are used for many conditions, and for instructions on medication prescribed by your doctor. This is a shortlist of common abbreviations you may ...
q.h. (on prescription):Abbreviation for "every hour." On a prescription or doctor's hospital orders,q.h.means every hour. Also written qh (without the periods). From the Latinquaquemeaning once + h for hour. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of L...
Abbreviation for: Wales Centre for Health white coate hypertension Women’s and Children’s Hospital Women’s College Hospital Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or vis...
Abbreviation: BOO The inability to pass urine. BOO is caused by prostatic hyperplasia, drug therapy, or urethral injury and may produce bladder pain, urinary tract infection (esp. in elderly men), or kidney failure. See: benign prostatic hyperplasia central airway obstruction Compression of the up...
Decreased elimination is observed in kidney failure, lead poisoning, and in those who eat a protein-free diet. valeric acid C5H10O2, an oily fatty acid having a distinctly disagreeable odor, existing in four isomeric. Synonym: pentanoic acid CAS # 109-52-4 valproic acid Abbreviation: VPA C8...
"APOL1 is a genetic variant that's been recognized. It's an abbreviation of apolipoprotein L1," he explains. Not everyone who has thegene variationhas kidney disease, but the presence makes the risk of chronic kidney disease more likely. ...
(leukodystrophy). His research group also deciphered the functions of threechloride channelsin the kidney. If defective, they lead to different renal diseases, such as massive salt depletion, renal stones and renal calcification, and additionally to deafness if two of these channels are completely ...
Abbreviation forurinalysis. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 UA Abbreviation for: ultrasonic arteriography umbilical artery unicystic ameloblastoma unitary authority (unitary council) unstable angina upper airway upper arm uric acid ...
I work as a nurse in the ER, and last night a well-known alternative “healer” came to the ER with complaints of bellyache (which turned out to be kidney stones). Now I wouldn’t mind that, except that this healer always speaks against using painkillers and claims that doctors don’t...
I work as a nurse in the ER, and last night a well-known alternative “healer” came to the ER with complaints of bellyache (which turned out to be kidney stones). Now I wouldn’t mind that, except that this healer always speaks against using painkillers and claims that doctors don’t...