Abbreviation for:Canadian Paediatric SocietyCanadian Pain SocietyCancer Prevention Studycardioplegic solutioncentral payments systemchest pain syndromeChild Personality ScaleChild Protection Services (Medspeak-UK)Child-Pugh scorechronic pain syndromechronic paranasal sinusitiscoagulase-positive StaphylococcusCognitive ...
Define the following commonly used abbreviation: "CPR". Define the following commonly used abbreviation: "ASD". What does the medical term paroxysmal mean? Write in the complete words for the given abbreviations and rewrite the sentence: The nurse told the aide to prep the patient pre-op....
† To avoid errors in the administration of medications and infusions, spell out the word instead of using the indicated abbreviation. For example, use “international unit” instead of I.U.”; “every day” instead of “q.d.”; “every other day” instead of “q.o.d.”; and “unit...
It uses periods for certain abbreviations that traditionally often have them (mostly older Latin/Neo-Latin abbreviations). For example, both bid and b.i.d. may be found in the list. It generally uses the singular form of an abbreviation (not the plural) as the headword.For...
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation C & S culture and sensitivity CSF cerebrospinal fluid CVA cerebrovascular accident (stroke) Cx cervix, complication, complaint CXR chest x-ray d doses DAT diet as tolerated D/C discontinue, discharge, disconnect ...
Abbreviation for:do not resuscitate dorsal nerve root Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. DNR Do not resuscitate End of life decisions An order written in a Pt's chart that explicitly and unequivocally states that CPR–eg, intubation, pounding, defibrillation,...
Abbreviation: 5 C: Chinese Critical Care Certified Course.Abbreviations ICU: Intensive care unit DVT: Deep vein thrombosis APACHE: Acute Physiology, and Chronic Health Evaluation SSC: Surviving Sepsis Campaign VAP: Ventilator-associated pneumonia CRBSI: Catheter-related bloodstream infection CAUTI...
Abbreviation: CPP The blood pressure in the aorta during diastole minus the blood pressure during right atrial diastole. For ICU patients it is an indicator of the adequacy of blood flow through the epicardial coronary arteries, e.g., during CPR. Patients whose CPP is > 15 mm Hg during CP...
CFDA:CFDA is abbreviation of The China Food and Drug Administration. FOFO medical air mattress and nebulziers under class II regulation, Supervision and management and annual review by the Food and Drug Administration. IS0 13485:2016 This registration is subject to the company maintaining a quality...
“Glasgow Coma Scale Score”) represented by the abbreviation. The dot character at the start of the word is the signal for the computer to start looking for an abbreviation based upon the subsequent characters. This strategy is a win-win because it saves time for the user while it improves...