医学简写(Medicalabbreviation)医学简写(Medical abbreviation)AA -每个[各]AB抗体[抗体]ABD。腹[腹部]ABG动脉血气[动脉血气]荷兰。异常[异常]ABP血压[动脉压]ABS -缺席[无]摘要:摘要[摘要]。交流-饭前[饭前]乙酰胆碱,乙酰胆碱[乙酰胆碱]乙酰胆碱-肾上腺皮质激素[肾上腺皮质激素]行为。活性凝血时间[活化凝血时间...
Therefore, it is important to understand the context in which the abbreviation or term has been used. Abbreviations, acronyms, and medical terminology are used for many conditions, and for instructions on medication prescribed by your doctor. This is a shortlist of common abbreviations you may ...
The prescription abbreviation "1 tab po bid" is interpreted like this:the abbreviation "tab" means tablet and comes from the latin tabella "po" means by mouth and comes from per os "bid" means twice a day, and derives from bis in die....
CAP Abbreviation for catabolite (gene) activator protein. cap (kap) 1. Any anatomic structure that resembles a cap or cover. 2. A protective covering for an incomplete tooth. 3. Colloquialism for restoration of the coronal part of a natural tooth by means of an artificial crown. 4...
It has become customary in philosophy to distinguish between concepts and conceptions. A particular concept, such as ‘disease,’ implies certain elements as criteria, which identify individual phenomena as falling under a particular idea. This is often achieved by means of theorizing about the phenom...
Abbreviation forchloramphenicol acetyl transferase; obsolete abbreviation forcomputerized axial tomography(CT). Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 CAT abbr. 1.clear-air turbulence 2.computerized axial tomography cat (kăt) n. a.A small domesticated carnivorous mammal(Felis catus),kept as...
q.h. (on prescription):Abbreviation for "every hour." On a prescription or doctor's hospital orders,q.h.means every hour. Also written qh (without the periods). From the Latinquaquemeaning once + h for hour. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of ...
PRN is a medical abbreviationis one of the most common abbreviations used in healthcare along withBid in nursing. It is written by physicians on prescriptions, nurses innurse’s notes, and other staff to describe things that can or have been completed “as needed.” ...
The abbreviation IM stands for:1. immune.2. intravenous.3. impetigo.4. immunology.5. intramuscular. 5. intramuscular. Which medical term means a small blister containing fluid?1. Papule2. Papilloma3. Nevus4. Vesicle5. Macule 4. Vesicle 我們有專家為這個問題所編寫的解答! Which skin disorder ...
Abbreviation: Purified Protein Derivative-used in skin test for tuberculosis; Skin Test is substances are injected intradermally/applied to the skin,&results are observed. The Schick test(for diphtheria)&the Mantoux&are other skin tests impetigo ...