(Social Welfare)USa health assistance programme financed by federal, state, and local taxes to help pay hospital and medical costs for persons of low income [C20: medic(al) + aid] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994,...
The Wall Street Journal recently opined on the important goal of giving state policymakers the power and responsibility to manage the program. The bottom line is that recent waivers have been highly successful. …center-right and even liberal states have spent more than a decade improving a progra...
2023. Additionally, nearly half of all respondents were unsure if their state would return to processing Medicaid renewals. Over half of the respondents had not received communication about their Medicaid status.
The dataset published today displays key features of approved state Section 1115 waivers, particularly eligibility and benefit expansions that may increase access to services that benefit people with SUD, as well as expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, across all 50statesand the Distri...
National Medicaid Review: States' Use of 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers and 1915(i) State Plan Amendments for People with Mental Illness, 2014 A review of state Medicaid program adoption of Medicaid eligibility expansions through state plan amendment and waivers for adults and children ...
program eligibilityMedicaid waiversstate budgetsMedicaid provides essential coverage for health care and long-term services and supports (LTSS) to low-income older adults and disabled individuals but eligibility is complicated and restrictive. In light of the current public health emergency, states have ...
(ECO)waiver programimplemented in response to the Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act(OBRA) of 1981, Section 2176,Public Law97-35. The New JerseyDepartment of Health andSenior ServiceslicensesMedicaid providersof assisted livingservices andallocates Medicaid waivers to specific licensedassisted living ...
1 More states continue to expand Medicaid via transformative waivers in the wake of the ACA expansion mandate and the Supreme Court decisions.2, 3, 4 States' interest in improving care quality and lowering costs has spurred experimentation with a variety of medication management (MM) programs. ...
and address concerns about costs. Medicaid’s delivery system has also changed as many enrollees receive care through different types of managed care. Being a program that is jointly financed and administered by states and the federal government, states have flexibility and often use waivers to meet...
Whether this policy continues will determine how many states get the opportunity to pursue waivers. Other Related State Action On September 16, Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder signed a law altering the state’s Medicaid program that uses similar principles. In the Michigan law, newly in...