L Polivka, G Mitchell, K HyerThe Gerontologist
electronically. If long-term care services in a nursing home or community setting are needed, the individual must check the box for HCBS/Waivers or Nursing Home on the Benefit Information screen. HCBS/Waiver programs provide in-home or assisted living services that help prevent institutionalization....
Hawaii converted its Medicaid Waiver programs, Nursing Homes without Walls and Residential Alternative Community Care into managed care. Home care may still be covered for Hawaii Medicaid beneficiaries but it will be at the discretion of the managed care provider. Learn more aboutHawaii managed Medicai...
“Things like a closed formulary reduction and eligibility reduction with prior provider payments. There is actually the potential that in some states, if they did this, they could reduce the number of people covered, they could reduce benefits, things like that,” Chris Sloan, associat...
provider, "comparability," and "statewideness").(22)States must submit proposals outlining terms and conditions for proposed waivers to CMS for approval before implementing these programs. Whether large or small reforms, Section 1115 waiver programs have resulted in significant changes for Medicaid ...
of its §1115 waiver to include the state’s pre-existing Home Relief (health insurance) program. In addition, Massachusetts added thousands of adults to Medicaid through an 1115 waiver implemented in 1998. When these two state-specific expansions are ...
ReimbursementPharmacoeconomics & Outcomes News
The article presents a court case concerning the Medicaid waiver system policy in Florida. The court of appeals defined that proposed policies accomplishing a four-tiered Medicaid waiver systems are illegal because it would create conflict the legislative act that developed the modern Medicaid waiver ...
Medicaid Reform for Florida Advances; Five-Year Federal Waiver Allows State Reform Beginning in Duval and Broward CountiesByline: J. TAYLOR RUSHINGRushing, J. Taylor
Fla. Gov. requests Medicaid waiver. (Florida Governor Lawton Chiles)Sexton, Christine Jordan