Using data from a Medicaid home care waiver program in South Carolina, the Community Long-Term Care (CLTC) program, we evaluated differences in frailty and service use among CLTC clients between 1995 (n = 3,748) and 2005 (n = 9,157). The expectation was that CLTC clients had become ...
In 2015 enrollment climbed by 13.8% and one of five Americans are now covered by the program. …In recent audits of Medicaid in Arizona, Florida, Michigan and New Jersey, the GAO uncovered 50 dead people who recouped at least $9.6 million in benefits after they died; 47 providers who ...
IowaMedicaid in Iowa, through theHCBS Elderly Waiver,covers many services to help the elderly remain living in their homes. These include personal or attendant care, which can be self-directed. Another option is theHealth and Disability Waiver. Note that this second option is only available to ...
2 The aim of the waiver is to help increase care for justice involved individuals immediately prior to release to help them with reentry, according to a news release from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.3 “There’s all this additional coordination that could be happening to ...
In February, we are implementing a waiver to permit the designation of an authorized representative for the purposes of signing an application or renewal form via the telephone without a signed designation from the applicant or member. In April, we will implement a process to auto renew all Col...
Nationally, 27 states have received federal approval to implement Medicaid Section 1115 waiver programs to expand family planning services to low-income, uninsured women and in some states, men. Arkansas was one of the first to implement a Medicaid family planning waiver program, known as the Wome...
leftseniorsandadvocateswary. Meanwhile,stateshaveorganizedcarefor peopleneedinglong-termcareserviceswithin thefee-for-servicesystem.Examplesofthese modelsofcareinclude:1)disease managementprogramsthatseektomanage andimprovecareforcertainindividualswith chronicdiseases;2)Medicaidhomeand community-basedwaiverprogramswhere...
This program is available statewide to all Kansas residents. One can find a local office of their Aging and Disability Resource Center to apply or call 855-200-2372 for more information. Learn more about the waiver here. Top Rated Assisted Living Communities by City STATE -Select- CITY -Selec...
of Hurricane Katrina. Congress may also consider the desirability of uniform treatment of hurricane victims across states (rather than relying on participation in the waiver program developed by CMS). A number of bills that would provide Hurricane Katrina Medicaid and SCHIP relief have been introduced...
waiver status compared to registry status: Family Interaction,t(270.84) = −3.88,p< .0001; Parenting,t(268.35) = −3.79,p< .001; Emotional Well-being,t(271.99) = −5.34,p< .0001; Physical/Material Well-being,t(269.46) = −3.33,p< .001; and Disability-Related Support,t(270.84...