Elderly, formally called the HOPE waiver, will pay for adult day care, home chore services, and home modifications to decrease the participant’s reliance on others. It should be noted that 24/7 personal care at home is not an included benefit. There is alsoSD Medicaid Personal Care ...
After CBS News Colorado contacted both the state and Jeffco Human Services last week about Wiley's issues, Wiley says he's getting much better communication about the problems he's having, but that still not all of his residents' claims have been addressed or paid out. The state's Medica...
at $62 billion or 23.1 percent of FFS spending. This amount is split fairly evenly between regular FFS payments (47 percent of total) and supplemental/Disproporate Share Hospital (DSH) payments (53 percent). Measured as a whole, HMA estimates long-term services and supports (including...