Report that the state of Ohio has received the approval from the Health care Financing Administration (HCFA) for its Medicaid waiver called OhioCare. Separation of alcohol and drug abuse services as an independent category; Benefits of the waiver for providers and clients; Challenge for providers....
Children participating in the project will be selected based upon an application system developed in compliance with theMedicaid waiver. As a third-person observer I consult the theory and infer what is in the other's mind and accordingly predict or explain the other's behavior. ...
OhioOhio offers a Medicaid Waiver that addresses the challenges of caring for a loved one at home. Under thePASSPORT Waiver, a broad set of in-home services are available. Newly available in 29 counties is the managed care Medicaid program calledMyCare Ohio. ...
While the waiver documents from CMS do not indicate how this would be accomplished, during an October 25, 2005, the Senate Committee on FinanceHearing to Conduct a Markup to Achieve the Committee's Budget Reconciliation Instructions to Reduce the Growth of Outlays as Contained in H.Con.Res. 95...
of its §1115 waiver to include the state’s pre-existing Home Relief (health insurance) program. In addition, Massachusetts added thousands of adults to Medicaid through an 1115 waiver implemented in 1998. When these two state-specific expansions are ...
This report is one among four that represents an evaluation of Ohio s Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program. This part assessed how well the program performed in developing and delivering services. Specifically, the evaluation addressed the effectiveness of the service plan process in preserving the...
Reports that the state of Ohio has received the federal Health Care Financing Administration's (HCFA) seal of approval of a Medicaid managed care waiver. Benefit plan and carve-outs in the waiver; Advantages to managed care providers; Issue on funding....
PASSPORT PROVIDERS IN OHIO:THE HEART AND HANDS OF A MEDICAID WAIVERYet, little is known about these organizations and their practices.Over 700 providers were surveyed as part of an overall evaluation of the PASSPORT program. 358 responded with a response rate of 49%.Results show that these ...
Ohio readies waiver to require cost-sharing in MedicaidAnn Sanner
Discusses the possible effect of a proposed federal Medicaid waiver on a lawsuit against the Ohio Department of Mental Health. Creation of a permanent low tier of services for some parts of the state; Coverage of the state's waiver request; Assessment made by James Wasserman, chairman of the ...