The article offers information on the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), which allows a state to provide a benefits package to a low-income population that would not qualify for Medicaid. It is intended for uninsured Hoosier adults aged 19 to 64 who earn less than 200% of the federal poverty ...
Indiana Choice Hoosier Rx Assistance Other Financial Assistance/Affordable Care Options in IN IowaMedicaid in Iowa, through theHCBS Elderly Waiver,covers many services to help the elderly remain living in their homes. These include personal or attendant care, which can be self-directed. Another optio...
limits on the total number of persons to be served under a waiver. This ability todefine and limit eligibility allows states to control costs for the program. Recipients of 1915(c) waiver services must meet both financial and functional (described below) eligibility requirements set by state and...
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Charlson, M.E., Wells, M.T., Kanna, B. et al....
The University of Pittsburgh institutional review board approved this study and granted a waiver of written informed consent because this study used deidentified data. Study Population Our study population included community-dwelling HRS respondents who had linkage to Medicare administrative data and were ...
In addition to the four months of additional coverage, it also allowed individuals several additional months of eligibility to provide sufficient time for an individual to complete a standard Medicaid application form.(32)The waiver ended in January 2003. ...
Indiana Can Show Potential of Medicaid ReformINDIANAPOLIS - The state submitted the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP)2.0 waiver application by its...Pence, Mike
Indiana Welfare Chief Will Step Down ; No Reason Given; State Is Trying for Medicaid WaiverINDIANAPOLIS - The head of Indiana's Family and Social ServicesAdministration is on her way out...Weidenbener, Lesley
eligibility categories, medically needy groups, transitional Medicaid, or through §1115 waiver (continued...) CRS-7 Over this 4-year period, adults qualifying for Medicaid via cash-related groups fell 36%, while enrollment in other groups rose by nearly 24%, yielding a net loss for ...