Here’s a chart that shows that our main problem is Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. Last but not least, here’s a graphic that shows the amount of fiscal policy changes that would be needed to either reduce or stabilize government debt. I think that’s the wrong goal, and that inste...
Medicaid Benefits and Requirements UnlikeMedicare, which is largely a federal program, Medicaid is primarily state-run, resulting in varying degrees and types of long-term care coverage. Generally speaking, for qualifying people, Medicaid coverscustodial carein a nursing home in all states. Custodial ...
Insurance status included 628 (62.7%) privately insured and 265 (26.5%) Medicare, 65 (6.5%) Medicaid, 24 (2.4%) other government insurance, and 19 (1.9%) uninsured. Medicaid expansion had a significantly higher proportion of Hispanic and Asian/other patients (10.3 vs. 5.2%; Chi-square ...
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Medicaid managed care: overview. Accessed February 8, 2007 3. Landon BE, Zaslavsky AM, Bernard SL, Cioffi MJ, Cleary PD. Comparison of performance of traditional Medicare vs Medicare managed care. JAMA. 200...
Stratified analyses revealed an increase in time to treatment among Medicare patients within the entire cohort (median 9 vs. 13 days, p = 0.0226), and among patients with metastatic disease who had private insurance (median 12 vs. 25 days, p = 0.0102). There were no changes in the time ...