Need-related factors included self-rated overall health and the number of self-reported chronic conditions in the past year (see eAppendix 4 for chronic conditions surveyed in the NSDUH). An additional dichotomous need-related factor indicating whether the respondent had any MH condition (ie, MDE,...
Motivated in part by this evidence and by South Carolina’s preterm birth rate, which in 2016 was the sixth highest in the US, the state began to offer program services to Medicaideligible nulliparous women through a Medicaid 1915(b) waiver. Philanthropic funding supported the scale-up of the...
and 1998, the total number of able-bodied adults (typically parents) and children on Medicaid fell (with one exception described below), while the number of aged beneficiaries stayed roughly constant, and the number of disabled of all ages rose slightly. As shown onTable 2, for adults and c...