Medicaid glitch in Pennsylvania hurts SUD patients, providersNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/adaw.30064KnopfAlisonJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly
Healthcarecontinuestobeoneofthefastestareasofgrowthinoureconomy Source:BudgetBriefingBook,FiscalYear1997-98 PennsylvaniaMedicaidisoneoftheLargestInsurersNationally Providesservicestoalmost1.4millionindividuals Onaverage,itcosts$4,000perperson,peryear OneofthemostcomprehensiveofallstateMedicaidprograms ...
Researchers found that under the federal Affordable Care Act, the proportion of uninsured people in Pennsylvania will drop from 13 percent of the population to 8 percent. Expanding Medicaid in the state would further cut the proportion of uninsured residents, down to 5 percent. Federal payments int...
(PCS). Participants have the option of choosing their own care providers or having the state manage that process on their behalf. Another option is theAlaskans Living Independently Waiver(ALI), which provides many supports for the participants in their homes. But it does not pay for personal ...
Thanks for shedding a light on this very global problem for ED physicians. Here in the UK, we have a concept called majors in minors. Which means an emergency in the non-urgent/minor illness part of the department. It is a very serious problem that can contribute to poor ou...
Abortion providers challenge Medicaid ban in Pennsylvania October 27, 2022 Enrollment gains help Elevance Health top 3Q forecasts October 19, 2022 Deadline to close nursing home extended by 1 year October 14, 2022 Louisiana governor’s top lawyer announces resignation October 13, 2022 CV...
Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in certain healthcare activities. Among other requirements, all healthcare providers...more Funding Freeze for Health Care Providers – What You Need to ...
Improving the Healthcare Model for Management of Adults with Sickle Cell Disease in the PPACA Era of knowledgeable and available providers, as well as a disorganized healthcare infrastructure, have caused most affected adults to rely on acute care services, leading to increased rates of hospital uti...
Safety-net providers after health care reform: lessons from Massachusetts. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(15):1379-1384. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.317 ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref Community Health Centers Caring for Adults With Hypertension and Diabetes JAMA Health Forum Editorial ...
Medicaid is the largest single payer formental health servicesin the country, yet previous research shows that manyhealth care providerswon't accept patients covered by Medicaid—despite the fact that it serves a population disproportionately affected bymental illness. ...