Alpine Recovery Center provides high quality addiction and mental health treatment for people with Medicaid in Colorado. Our programs are led by experienced therapists who create personalized treatment plans for each person. We know community is essential for long-term recovery and welcome family and ...
"Impact of a Decline in Colorado Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment on Access and Quality of Preventive Primary Care Services. Pediatrics 116(6); 1474-9.Berman S, Armon C, Todd J. Impact of a decline in Colorado Medicaid managed care enrollment on access and quality of...
Anyone who is pregnant and covered by Medicaid can receive prenatal and postpartum care from a doula, as well as support during the birth, said Susanna Snyder, director of the child and family health division at the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. Parents-to-be don't...
The designation of financial or management practices asquestionable, a recommendation for the disallowance of costs incurred or claimed, and any other conclusions andrecommendations in this report represent the findings andopinions of OAS. Authorized officials of the HHS operatingdivisions will make final...
It is unclear when the proposal would take effect in state Medicaid programs. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid officials said they are invitingpublic commenton when states should be required to cover the costly medications."States are also feeling substantial state budget pressure and we are doing...
*Full eligibility is completed through a quick application to get started. Caregiver eligibility may vary by state of residence per requirements and regulations. This program is also available in Nevada, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Indiana, Georgia, Connecticut, Colorado, and Oregon.Over 7,000 ...
Data came from a consumer satisfaction survey completed by a random sample of 640 Medicaid enrollees in a Colorado HMO and utilization information provided by the HMO. Conditional on other variables in the model, the study found that non-emergency visits are less likely to be to the ED when ...
Other Financial Assistance/Affordable Care Options in CA ColoradoColorado’sElderly, Blind and Disabled Medicaid Waiverpays for both personal care assistance at home, as well as other supports to help individuals remain living at home. These include modifications to improve the access and safety of ...
For instance, if there was a rule limiting spending to the combined rate of population plus inflation (like the very successful TABOR spending cap in Colorado), it would save taxpayers $3.4 trillion compared to how much the federal government would grow if left on autopilot. This chart comes ...
"If I hadn't gotten in here, I'd probably be dead," Rogers said. "With my age, with my medical problems, if I don't have a place like this, I'm back on the street, and that's a death sentence." After CBS News Colorado contacted both the state and Jeffco Human Services last...