Spend down funds on personal or medical needs and day-to-day care expenses. Under Federal law, a person applying for Medicaid cannot reduce or transfer assets to others (for example, children) for the purpose of qualifying for Medicaid coverage of long-term care services. Doing so may result...
s personal care needs. The uniqueCaregiver Homesprogram allows an elderly individual to move into the home of a caregiver, or for the caregiver to move into the home of the care recipient. While care may not be provided in the beneficiary’s home, it is still offered in a home in place...
They work with you, your doctors and your caregivers to build a plan of care just for you, based on your goals and needs. Mental Health benefits Mental health is as important as physical health. That’s why we have coverage for both. Mental health services, sometimes called “behavioral ...
Despite state latitude, the federal government does not permit states to pay for any assisted living charges related to room and board. States still find ways to make this expense more affordable, though. Some states limit seniors’ out-of-pocket costs for assisted living room and board by im...
By offering medical and personal care services, North Carolina aims to increase the disabled and seniors’ autonomy. The program also covers the cost of minor home adaptations that increase the independence or safety of the program participant. This program also offers the added benefit of consumer...
The Frail Elderly Waiver is designed to help seniors who require a nursing home level of care. Qualifying participants are provided with services and support to enable them to remain living in their homes, in family homes, or otherwise in their communities, such as in an assisted living facilit...