Overview of the Medicaid programOutlines the features of the Medicaid program in the United States. Enactment of the program in 1965 as Title XIX of the Social Security Act; Description of the program's organization; Stati...
Statista is a great source of knowledge, and pretty helpful to manage the daily work. Christof Baron CEO, MindShare Germany Statistics on " Health insurance in the United States " Overview Private health insurance Medicare Medicaid Veterans Uninsured Leading companies The most important statistics ...
Some 35-37 million Americans, many of whom have incomes that fall below the poverty level, remain unin- sured; eligibility levels vary dramatically across states; the low-in- come elderly, facing gaps in coverage under Medicare, are relying increasingly on Medicaid, thus straining its resources...
Parenteral analgesic and sedative use among ED patients in the United States: Combined results from the national hospital ambulatory medical care survey (N... The objective of the study was to describe parenteral analgesic and sedative (PAS) use among patients treated in US emergency departments (...
Medicaid is a means-tested entitlement program that in FY2012 financed the delivery of primary and acute medical services as well as long-term services and supports to an estimated 57 million people, and cost states and the federal government $431 billion. In comparison, the Medicare program pro...
Medicare and Medicaid are two health insurance programs provided by the United States federal government. Medicare is given to people over the age of 65, as well as to people with disabilities who meet certain conditions. Medicaid is provided to qualified individuals who meet certain income requirem...
In some states, it also provides minimal coverage for at-home care. You must meet your state's Medicaid eligibility requirements of low income and limited assets. You must exhaust most of your own assets (known as “spending down your assets”) before you are eligible for Medicaid, leaving...
Recommended statistics Overview Enrollment Expenditures Spending by services of selected U.S. states CHIP - Children’s Health Insurance Program Medicaid unwinding Medicaid fraud OutlookKey insights Medicaid's share of U.S. health care expenditure Percentage of U.S. Americans covered by Medicaid Me...
Current Issues in Medicaid Financing - An Overview of IGTs, UPLs, and DSH al., "States' Use of Medicaid UPL and DSH Financing Mechanisms," Health Affairs 23, no. 2 (2004): XX-XX; GAO, Major Management Challenges and Program Risks: Department of Health and Human Services, GAO-03-101,...
A growing proportion of Medicaid funds are allocated to care in assisted living (AL) settings. However, a state must have a state plan amendment or waiver to utilize these funds. States issue levels of licensure for AL communities, which govern the care and oversight that can be provided and...