This study examines the early impact of PCCM implementation, in the absence of physician reimbursement level increases, on the patterns of Medicaid participation by physicians in communities in Georgia and Alabama. We find that the implementation of PCCM under these conditions often was associated with...
Law Office of John Hutto PO Box 113 Florence,AL35631 United States ph:256-335-4425 fax:888-897-4082 Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia Health Care Professional License Defense Attorney Home Welcome: Welcome to the Law Office of John Hutto Web Site. This site is based...
WhatisnotinthisFinalRule? Informationaboutapplyingforgrants(includingStateCooperativeAgreements,RegionalExtensionCenters,andbroadbandexpansion) ChangestoHIPAA OfficeoftheNationalCoordinator(ONC)FinalRule–HealthInformationTechnology(HIT):InitialSetofStandardsandCertificationCriteriaforEHRTechnology ...
Variation in Benefit Coverage Across States.Because each state designs and administers its own Medicaid program under broad federal rules, coverage of benefits varies from state to state. Among the five states initially declared to have public health emergencies due to Hurricane Katrina (Alabama, Flor...