Abstract During pilot of long-term care insurance in China,bed-day payment for longterm care insurance is generally taken.This payment is relatively simple,cannot effectively reflects the resources consumed by the service,but also lead to the difficulty of some areas and institutions in carrying out...
For what it is worth, most politicians do not support good reform or bad reform. As predicted by “public choice,” their preferred approach is kicking the can down the road. Which is what Greek politicians did for many years. But they learned in Greece that ignoring a problem does not ...
For example, because Ohio’s 2016 MMC contract language—“although there are currently no capacity requirements of the non–primary care required provider types, plans are required to ensure that adequate access is available to members for all required provider types”—did not specify any quantitat...
Payment is adjusted for beneficiary characteristics such as age, sex, and eligibility group, but all plans in a county are paid the same amount for a beneficiary with a given set of characteristics. Encouraging Competition Although Medi-Cal managed care plans serving the same county do not ...
islargely age-basedwith some disease-based exceptions. Once an American turns 65 years old, they are eligible for Medicare coverage. Additionally, individuals who suffer from end-stage renal disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may enroll in Medicare coverage, regardless of their age. ...
Jessica Hall is a retirement reporter for MarketWatch. She was an Age Boom Academy Fellow with Columbia University and completed the Leadership Exchange on Ageism. She previously worked at Mainebiz, the Portland Press Herald and Maine Sunday Telegram, where she and her team earn...
There are two main pathways to Medicaid eligibility for people over age 65: either having low assets and income, or being impover- ished by large medical expenses. The first group of recipients mostly consists of the life-long poor, while the second group includes people who became poor only...
25 Among states reporting data on Medicaid renewals by age group, states reviewed Medicaid eligibility for 17% to 79% of older adults by the time of our survey’s fielding (eMethods 1 in Supplement 1). The University of Michigan institutional review board reviewed the study and determined it...
Eligibility for the program is most often determined financially, and is federally required to provide primary care, dental care, behavioral health services, and vaccinations for children from birth to age 19. 17 Related Content: An Introduction to Medicaid with Samantha O’Leary...
Kennedy, who as Trump's nominee for HHS secretary is subject to Senate confirmation, has railed against the drugs' popularity. In speeches and on social media, he's said the U.S. shouldn't cover the drugs through Medicaid or Medicare. Instead, he supports a broad expansion of coverage for...