Congress, in December, blocked implementation of a federal regulation that would have prevented entirely states from using special taxes levied against hospitals and other medical service providers to increase the federal matching funds that states receive for Medicaid.Congress, however, passed a compromis...
Conversely, nonquantitative standards or absence of any standards for MH providers in MMC documentation were considered “absence” of NAS. For example, because Ohio’s 2016 MMC contract language—“although there are currently no capacity requirements of the non–primary care required provider types,...
Formularies of all 2023 Ohio Health Insurance Marketplace and Medicaid plans were reviewed to determine the inclusion status of intravenous ketamine and intranasal esketamine for depression. This review found that intravenous ketamine was not covered by any Marketplace or Medicaid plan for depression, ...
Ohio Medicaid Expansion - Greater Cleveland Congregations俄亥俄州的医疗补助扩张-大克利夫兰教会 热度: November20,2012 DearSecretarySebelius: IwriteurgingyoutoissueguidancerequiringstatestoexpandMedicaidtothefullextentoutlinedintheAffordableCareAct(forstatesthatchoosetoexpand),andnotallowpartialexpansions(e.g.,only...
Only 27% of women were enrolled in EPS care coordination. Although prenatal care providers make most EPS referrals (only 16% of women engage in EPS before PNC), only 24% women were enrolled in EPS in the month they initiated PNC. After delivery, only 40% of all women had evidence of ...
“I sat down yesterday with a couple who’d had insurance all their lives until one of them lost a job,” says Cathy Levine, co-chair of Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage. “They’re not parents and not disabled, so they had no options. Now at least they have hope.”About...
Source:Congressional Research Service, based on sources noted in the table. Notes:Unless noted, exceptions do not apply for purposes of computing the enhanced FMAP rate for CHIP. SSA = Social Security Act; FPL = federal poverty level; CHIPRA = Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization ...
providers and Medicaid programs. The choice of an out-of-statehospitalcan be a matter of convenience for patients and their families, and it may also mean ensuring state-of-the-art care, since only a limited number of hospitals and physicians in the country have the skills and experience to...
12.(back)For example, Barbara Coulter Edwards, the Ohio Medicaid director, has reportedly indicated that her agency had received calls from hurricane victims who had found shelter in Ohio but were turned away by health care providers unwilling to accept out-of-state Medicaid cards. See ...
Health care service use was identified using claims data for Medicaid, the publicly funded insurance program for the poor. Teens outside the criminal justice system sought annual well-care health visits significantly more than teens in the legal system, the study found. Conversely, teens with a ...