Medicaid plans MI Medicaid is health insurance for people with low incomes. You might be able to get Medicaid in Michigan if you’re pregnant, have children or live with a disability. In some cases, other adults may also qualify. Costs to you are low and based on your ability to pay. ...
byUniversity of Michigan Credit: CC0 Public Domain Community health workers employed by Medicaid health plans can help low-income people who face barriers to care rely less on the emergency room, and more on outpatient care, a new study finds. The CHWs in the study worked with Medicaid partic...
Reports that the 13 health plans in Detroit, Michigan, which have qualified to enroll Medicaid subscribers, will be getting inspected. Two-prong nature of the on-site visits; Names of some of the hea...
First, politicians oftentimes say things they don’t mean (remember Obama’s pledge that people could keep their doctors and their health plans if Obamacare was enacted?). Second, the plans to fix Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid don’t involve any cuts. Instead, reformers are proposing...
On September 16, Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder signed a law altering the state’s Medicaid program that uses similar principles. In the Michigan law, newly insured beneficiaries can receive their health benefits through private insurance plans (not necessarily through marketplace plans, ...
Michigan's Maternal Infant Health Program, offered at no cost to Medicaid-eligible pregnantwomen, provideshome visits, care coordination and referrals, transportation to doctor's offices and interventions based on individual care plans. The comprehensive approach involves nurses, social workers and other...
Ms Beathard reported receiving grants from the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services and the NIA outside the submitted work. Dr Kullgren reported receiving grants from the the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AARP during the conduct of the study; and support was also provided ...
States are required to set network adequacy standards (NAS) for Medicaid managed care plans to ensure adequate access to mental health (MH) care. We examined the association between NAS and MH care access (including any MH services, inpatient MH stays, outpatient MH visits, MH prescriptions, an...
(2002). Nonincremental policy change: lessons from Michigan's Medicaid managed care initiative. Public Administration Review... Health insurance plans for state of Wisconsin employees were surveyed regarding the smoking cessation benefits offered to their members. Seven of the 25 pl... ...
The study does not distinguish between privately insuredpatientswith ACA plans bought on the health insurance exchange, and those with employer-sponsored coverage. Nor does it distinguish between traditional Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan coverage....