Variation in the interpretation and application of the Medicaid sterilization consent form among Medicaid officialsColin B. Russell MD, MPH a bNeena Qasba MD, MPH cMegan L. Evans MD, MPH dAngela Frankel MD, MPH bKavita Shah Arora MD, MBE, MS e f...
I looked at the application and saw the problem: the authorization form had been submitted without a required signature. A quick call and a fax fixed that, at least. But that wasn’t the only mistake the nursing home had made on the application. I circled a few others for her. Of ...
The new rules mandated that beneficiaries seeking to appeal their disenrollment had to complete a seven-page appeals form that was reviewed by administrative hearing examiners. The appeals application, advocates argued, was too complex and burdened with medical Soc. Sci. 2017, 6, 3; doi:10.3390/...