Enrollment in North Carolina’s new Medicaid coverage for low-income adults has nearly reached the state’s goal of 600,000 in only a year By Associated Press | Dec. 4, 2024, at 3:02 p.m. Save More After 1 Year, Medicaid Expansion in North Caroli...
The article reports that the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will increase enrollment and total spending for the program in all states based on an annual report from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Health Management Associates in 2013. The report...
In so-called expansion states, enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP jumped by 8.3 percent, compared with an increase of just 1.6 percent in nonexpansion states. At total of 26 states and Washington, D.C., have expanded eligibility to allow enrollment for most people under age 65 who earn up to...
The House Republican bill would start by repealing Obama’s Medicaid expansion. More significantly, it would limit overall federal spending on Medicaid going forward. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says the proposal would result in a cut of $880 billion from projected Medicaid spending fro...
States are seeing more stability in their Medicaid programs after experiencing a surge in enrollment and costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, suggesting that one of the major pillars of former President Barack Obama's health overhaul may be nea
byWiley Researchers have found that Medicaid expansion increased Medicaid enrollment among people who received liver transplants funded by commercial insurance. The findings are published inLiver Transplantation. Because liver transplant recipients in the United States have low rates of paid employment, many...
Technically, this is not an expansion of Medicaid, though each state would use federal Medicaid dollars to provide subsidies to state residents who would, in turn, use the subsidies to purchase private insurance on the exchanges (now called “the marketplace”). This is also referred to as a...
…Medicaid has grown into the largest health care program in the country by enrollment, with 66 million participants and with annual federal and state costs of more than $550 billion. …Medicaid spending has increased rapidly nearly every year since the program was enacted, creating significant ...
Current Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions S Co-Sponsors by State – May 23, 2014 WY WI WV WA VA VT UT* TX TN SD SC RI PA OR* OK OH ND NC NY NM* NJ NH Seventeen States Had Higher Uninsured Rates Than the National Average in 2013; Of Those, 11 Have Yet to Expand Eli...
The ACA’s major coverage expansion came into force in 2014, and the number of individuals estimated to be enrolled in Medicaid has since surpassed 75 million. More than 28 million children were enrolled in the program in 2018, representing 38 percent of overall Medicaid enrollment. State ...