Until now, states had generally been free to set their own Medicaid eligibility criteria, and the Bush administration had not openly declared that it would apply the August directive to Medicaid. State officials ...
The government must have a cutoff point because it cannot offer taxpayer-supported benefits to every applicant. The primary eligibility criteria are household income levels compared to size, citizenship, and residency status. As always, the devil is in the details. Pay close attention to boosting ...
Medicaidmeans that government-sponsored entitlement program under Title XIX, P.L. 89-97 of the Social Security Act, which provides federal grants to states for medical assistance based on specific eligibility criteria, as set forth on Section 1396, et seq. of Title 42 of the United States Code...
However, a number of states have not expanded eligibility for Medicaid, and there is continued debate regarding further changes in eligibility criteria.2,3 Observational studies have demonstrated that prior efforts to expand health insurance coverage in individual states were associated with improved ...
20 We created 5 standardized, mutually exclusive eligibility groups on a person-year basis: (1) pregnant women, (2) youth, (3) adults with disability-related Medicaid eligibility, (4) adults newly eligible under the ACA Medicaid expansion (hereafter, expansion), and (5) traditionally eligible ...
To assess the validity of the criteria used to select these drugs, a sub-analysis was performed in relation to those drugs classified by the Ohio State Medicaid program as drugs for chronic use. A sub-analysis related to the dual-eligible population was also performed as this population of ...
eligibility criteria, benefit packages, provider agreements, financing arrangements, and other issues outlined in the terms and conditions of New York's temporary waiver program provide an example of how this state used the flexibility under Section 1115 to address specific health care needs in the ...
state’s eligibility criteria under Medicaid or SCHIP based on the rules in place as of July 2000. While current eligibility rules under these two publicly financed programs permit coverage for most low-income children, during the 1990s, actual enrollment ...
In home health, program eligibility is determined by an independent assessment conducted by the Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) via Liberty, which creates an individualized plan of care. The provider submitted claims for Patient Sally, who, according to her plan, needs help dressing. The ...
According to a Tennessee comparative study of pregnancy outcomes among Medicaid enrollees in the late 19805,1 pregnant women enrolled after implementation of presumptive eligibility were 30% more likely to have obtained prenatal care in the first trimester than comparable women giving birth before the ...