First, major changes to Medicaid are not easy. Owing to the sheer scale of reassessing the eligibility of tens of millions of people, the unwinding has been particularly complicated. As of June 2024, more than25 millionpeople have been disenrolled from Medicaid and of these, 69% lost coverage...
No changes were observed in other outcomes. Meaning Continuous Medicaid eligibility during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly reduced loss of Medicaid after birth, suggesting similar uninsurance reductions may be expected from postpandemic postpartum Medicaid extensions, which most states plan to ...
MEDICAID eligibilityINFANT healthHEALTH equityADMINISTRATIVE reformPRENATAL careAlong with the late 1980s Medicaid expansion for pregnant women and children, states implemented multiple reforms to reduce administrative burdens and facilitate access to Medicaid and prenatal care. We use National Vi...
This allowed Miller and colleagues to compare changes over time in health and public program involvement for California citizen children born to undocumented vs. U.S.-born mothers. The researchers found that after Medicaid income eligibility was expanded to include undocumented immigrant mothers in ...
As a result of legislative changes in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, the continuous coverage provision will end on March 31, 2023, and is untied from the end of the PHE. The Department will follow federal guidance to restore Medicaid eligibility through normal processing while working ...
Although states determine MMC enrollment (exempt, voluntary, or mandatory) based on Medicaid eligibility categories (eg, low-income adults; aged, blind, or disabled), data on the NSDUH respondents’ Medicaid eligibility categories and corresponding category-specific MMC penetration rates were not ...
Residents including Carrie McBane have been navigating the gap between earning too much to qualify for Medicaid and too little to afford private insurance for years. She's hopeful that expanded eligibility will revive the state's working class, especially in rural communities...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provided the option for states to expand Medicaid eligibility to people whose income was below a particular threshold. The ACA’s major coverage expansion came into force in 2014, and the number of individuals estimated to be enrolled in Medicaid has since surpassed...
Changes needed to fix Deloitte-run eligibility systems often pile on costs to the government that are much higher than the original contracts, which can slow the process of fixing errors. It has become a big problem across the country. Twenty-five states have awarded Deloitte contracts for eligi...
CMS hastaken stepsto address the issue pre-emptively be requiring states to develop plans for how they will prioritise outstanding eligibility and renewal actions when the PHE is lifted. However, just over half were found to have done so as of March 2022. It remains to be seen how far stat...