Colorado Medicaid Hospital Rate Change:The Importance of the Broader Multi-Provider, Multi-Payer Environmentdoi:10.21767/2471-9927.100031AnaMaria ConleyKate DavidsoniMedPub
For instance, if there was a rule limiting spending to the combined rate of population plus inflation (like the very successful TABOR spending cap in Colorado), it would save taxpayers $3.4 trillion compared to how much the federal government would grow if left on autopilot. This chart comes ...
own care needs andClient-Employed Providerallows participants to hire their own service providers with the state managing the administrative tasks. The newerK Planunder the Community First Choice option also helps. Finally, a unique program calledSpousal Paywill pay spouses to help care for each ...
22 We identified 5 states that implemented time- or distance-based standards for specialty care during our study period: California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nebraska, and New Mexico (hereafter referred to as case states). We also identified potential control states that had implemented specialty ...
I find that, as mixed plans’ share of private insurance enrollment in a provider's market increases, and as these plans engage in greater private volume channeling, their Medicaid enrollees obtain a greater share of visits from office-based providers who mostly accept private insurance. However,...
More than half of all Medicaid enrollees prefer the "one-stop shop" of a hospital emergency department to receive care for conditions that could be treated effectively at a primary care clinic, according to an article by a researcher at the University of Colorado School of Medicine on the Ansc...
Digital services: Colorado’s effortsIn addition to establishing a clear rationale (a link to value) for investing in customer experience, states could establish a road map that prioritizes strategies based on impact, feasibility, and amplification. Impact reflects the value that ca...
the Medicaid recipient must find an out-of-state provider willing to accept Medicaid payment from the home state, and not all providers may be willing to do so.(12)In addition, since an individual may be considered a resident of the state to which they have evacuated, he or she may be...
! some have concerns about quality of care and low levels of provider participation limiting access; ! cultural differences, language barriers and immigration policies may prevent some families from enrolling in Medicaid; ! for many, Medicaid has a negative image associated with its historical ties ...
The article discusses the Medicaid expansion due to which there are ten times more health insurance enrollments from health insurance provider Connect for Health Colorado. Topics discussed include the Colorado law...