"system for providing public funds to persons needing assistance with medical expenses," 1966; see medical (adj.) + aid (n.). The U.S. medical assistance program was created by Title XIX of the Social Security Act of 1965. also from 1966 ...
Medicaid expands birth control accessSarah Kliff
the first over-the-counter birth control pill. Medicaid recipients in Wisconsin will have access to the first over-the-counter birth control pill starting Tuesday, March 19, 2024, allowing them to easily receive contraceptive medication with no out-of-pocket costs...
The Online Table selects some alternative health outcomes to report to save space. For the sample of individuals who are potentially eligible for Medicaid and who are likely to be dependent, they are plausibly start to have helpers and be on some healthcare service when observed in the HRS ...
Birth Outcomes and Maternal Care After Propensity Score Matching between Non-Hispanic Black and Other Races Supplement 2. Data sharing statement 1. Creanga AA, Bateman BT, Kuklina EV, Callaghan WM. Racial and ethnic disparities in severe maternal morbidity: a multistate analysis, ...
(HealthDay)—One-third of women of reproductive age report better ability to access birth control and family planning services with Medicaid expansion coverage, according to a study published online Aug. 31 in JAMA Network Open.
Gray(2001) finds a negative association between Medicaid physician fees and therisk of low birth weight. Neither of these last two studies control for state fixedeffects, which is problematic if state Medicaid physician fees are correlatedwith other state-level attributes that affect the quality of...
Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central and we will help you at every step: • We accept pre-submission inquiries • Our selector tool helps you to find the most relevant journal • We provide round the clock customer support • Convenient online submission • Thorough peer ...
Method We used linked Oregon birth certificate and Medicaid data from 200816 to identify control and policy groups of women who gave birth both before and after implementation of the ACA Medicaid expansion (n = 21 204 births to N = 10 602 women). We conducted a difference﹊nヾifferences ...
All study subjects were linked to their 2007–2009 birth and newborn screening laboratory records, including values for 36 analytes or analyte ratios. We examined the association of analytes/ratios with a later diagnosis of ASD. Among 3,258 cases and 6,838 controls, seven analytes (e.g., ...