James Capretta of the American Enterprise has additional details, particularly showing how the “federal medical assistance percentage” encourages higher spending. In 1965, the authors of Medicaid thought they were creating a program that would provide federal structure, uniformity, and some funding for...
Medicaid programs split that responsibility between the national government and states through the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP). The formula designates federal reimbursement for states based on the per capita income when compared to the national average, as aCongressional Budget Office repor...
The article offers information on the programs implemented by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) to help deliver services in the most cost-effective manner. The state's Medicaid program is aimed at cost-effectiveness and quality of care. McKesson Health Solutions ...
You can get free, personalized counseling from your State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP. SHIPs have offices and counselors who can speak to the specifics of your state and your situation when it comes to Medicare, Medicaid and related programs. Find your local SHIP office at ship...
"Also, making enhanced Marketplace PTCs in the ARPA permanent would make many of those losing Medicaid coverage after the PHE eligible for assistance," it continued. "Decisions made during the remainder of this year can improve continuity of care for Medicaid enrollees and the stability of state...
When my husband passed away, my attorney at Gilfix & La Poll Associates LLP explained all the steps that have to be taken, ... J.T. "I want to express my gratitude for your professionalism and your invaluable assistance during our recent meeting on behalf of my parents." I want to ...
Renew Medicaid eligibility based on financial findings from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or other means-tested benefit programs. Delay procedural terminations for beneficiaries for one or more months while the state conducts targeted...
agencies could apply to CMS and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for a joint waiver to provide integrated health homes for homeless individuals with severe mental illness, pairing comprehensive medical and behavioral health care with housing assistance,” the AHIP brief ...
but the VA will exclude any income that the law allows. Public assistance, like SSI, is not counted as part ofcountable income. The annual income limits for the Aid and Attendance program are higher than those set for the basic pension. As of January, 2024, the maximum Aid and Attendance...
Additional Contributions: We are indebted to Charlene Hsuan, BS, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health, for research assistance; Lin Ding, PhD, for assistance with expert statistical programming, and Eva Tomczyk, BA, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Me...