Related Content: Value-based Care in North Carolina Accountable Entity (AE) See: Accountable Care Organizations.Advisory Board or Group Comprised of enrollees, payers, providers, and advocates, advisory boards or groups offer guidance on movements, policy, and initiatives within the health care sector...
Dr McWilliams reported grants from National Institute on Aging (P01AG032952) during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Abt Associates, personal fees from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, personal fees from RTI International, personal fees from Oak Ridge Associated Universities ...
a.For FY2011, the preceding fiscal year's regular FMAP rate includes the application of the "hold harmless" provision under the ARRA temporary FMAP rate increase. b.Initially, the disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment was to go into effective on January 1, 2011. However, due to the extension of...
Further instructions for submitting an application using the HCUP Databases are available at References 1. Eslami MH, Zayaruzny M, Fitzgerald GA. The adverse effects of race, insurance status, and low income on the rate of amputation in ...
While these general trends are national in scope and application, the state of North Carolina and its experience will be used to fully explore the impact of these trends at the state and local level.doi:10.1002/j.0022-0337.2001.65.9.tb03432.xD H Kinlaw...
Medicaid applicants who did not receive coverage under the DRM program included those who were pregnant, had a disability, or required institutional services (e.g., nursing facility). These individuals were processed through the traditional Medicaid application process.(28)This separate process for cer...