IdahoThrough the MedicaidAged and Disabled Waiver, Idaho residents can receive a variety of home care services, including personal care, adult day care, and respite. Idaho also has aPersonal Care Services Program, which in addition to personal care assistance, provides homemaker services. Finally, ...
Policy makers hope the waiver reduces the number of emergency department visits and inpatient hospitalizations as well as allcause deaths close to the release date.4 “We’re talking about literally tens of millions of [individuals] potentially impacted by this policy, so any efforts to better ...
The waiver program was started in 1992 as part of the budget for long-term care providing in-home services for senior and disabled citizens who are at risk of being placed at nursing homes. The increas...
Nationally, 27 states have received federal approval to implement Medicaid Section 1115 waiver programs to expand family planning services to low-income, uninsured women and in some states, men. Arkansas was one of the first to implement a Medicaid family planning waiver program, known as the Wome...
We are also working on implementing a waiver to automatically (without member action) reinstate members back to their renewal date when they submit and are approved during their 90 day reconsideration period (Date TBD) Recently, CMS extended flexibilities (or waivers) through December 2024 to assis...
Despite the rapid growth in Medicaid managed care over the last ten years, program spending still represented just over half of total Medicaid expenditures in FFY 2019. So where is the remaining fee-for-service (FFS) spending (approximately $281 billion) going? First, as noted above, there ar...
Enrollment among the aged and disabled (data from 43 states) steadily increased by 1.6% for the year ending December 1998, and 1.8% for the year ending December 1999. For families, children and pregnant women, continuing large decreases in cash- ...
This study investigated families’ experience of choice within a participant-directed Medicaid waiver program for young children with autism. Fourteen parents or grandparents participated in in-depth interviews about their experience of choosing personnel, directing in-home services, and managing the $25...
Specifically for ASD, the Maryland waiver program (henceforth referred to as the “Maryland waiver”) is the largest of its kind and includes a set of services identified to meet the needs of a child with ASD and the family unit: (a) service coordination through the local school system; (...
Medicaid's institutional bias; Growth in HCB Waiver Programs; Shifts in state strategies in employing Medicaid dollars.SmithGaryProutyRobertEBSCO_AspMental RetardationSmith, G. A., Prouty, R., & Lakin, C. K. (1996). The HCB Waiver Program: The fading of Medicaid's "Institutional Bias." ...