Patients who were formerly incarcerated commonly experience substance use disorder, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, and sexually transmitted diseases
Nationally, 27 states have received federal approval to implement Medicaid Section 1115 waiver programs to expand family planning services to low-income, uninsured women and in some states, men. Arkansas was one of the first to implement a Medicaid family planning waiver program, known as the Wome...
The waiver program was started in 1992 as part of the budget for long-term care providing in-home services for senior and disabled citizens who are at risk of being placed at nursing homes. The increas...
Nutrition of the critically ill patient and effects of implementing a nutritional support algorithm in ICU. To test whether a feeding algorithm could improve the nutritional support of intensive care patients. Numerous factors may impede delivery of both enteral ... H W?Ien,IT Bj?Rk - Blackwell...
SurveyMethodologyThis report summarizes the methods Mathematica Policy Research, Inc (MPR) used to conduct the survey for the evaluation, the processes used to select samples for the Home and Community Based Services and the processes used to adjust the sampling weights to account for non-response....
It is intended for uninsured Hoosier adults aged 19 to 64 who earn less than 200% of the federal poverty level. HIP includes a Personal Wellness Responsibility Account, a basic commercial benefits package and coverage for preventive services. Physician services, prescriptions and disease management ...
Medicaid's institutional bias; Growth in HCB Waiver Programs; Shifts in state strategies in employing Medicaid dollars.SmithGaryProutyRobertEBSCO_AspMental RetardationSmith, G. A., Prouty, R., & Lakin, C. K. (1996). The HCB Waiver Program: The fading of Medicaid's "Institutional Bias." ...
Overall, the findings suggest that the MAW program is beneficial to health: a $1,000 increase in MAW spending for each older person results is associated with a 1.4 percent improvement in self-reported health status, a 1.5 percent reduction in functional mobility limitations, a 1.6 percent ...
evaluation, models, home care, medicaid, cost effectiveness, long term care, community health services, health care costs, quality of services, qualityThis paper discusses a model for evaluating the access, cost-effectiveness and quality of services rendered under home and community-based long-term ...
The key role that physicians play in appropriately maintaining patients in their homes and other community-based living arrangements and the Medicaid program that has been a leader in funding the development of such alternatives are discussed.