1. Uninstall and Reinstall the Driver: Open Device Manager: Right-click on the Start menu and select "Device Manager." Find the WiFi Adapter under Network Adapters: Go to the "Network Adapters" section and find the "MediaTek WiFi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card." Uninst...
适配器mediatekwifi6mt7921遇到与驱动程序您好亲,可以看到MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card这个驱动出现了感叹号,说明它出了问题。参考:适配器遇到与驱动程序或硬件相关的问题解决如果我的解答对您有所帮助,还请给个赞(在左下角进行评价哦),期待您的赞,您的举手之劳对我很重要,您的支...
MT7921 Driver, version https://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp148501-149000/sp148956.exe Bluetooth: https://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp150001-150500/sp150375.exe Was this reply helpful? Yes No Recommendations Out of support Bluetooth adapter by...
mediatek wifi 6 mt7921. I've installed the latest driver, put it into 5 ghz, still rubbish. Drop down or neet to restart every 15 min. Bloody annoying. The more I deal with this laptop, the more issue I see. As far as I see still no solution or patch -right?...
mediaTek Wi-Fi 6MT7921 Wireless LAN Card在我的电脑-管理-服务重启无效并且设备管理能看到叹号,点击...
你好亲,[开心]适配器mediatekwifi6mt7921无法启动1.右键点我的电脑 -> 属性 -> 硬件 -> 设备管理器 -> 网络适配器,右键点你的无线网卡图标(如果禁用的话应该有一个红叉),选“启用”即可。2.另外,查看一下:管理工具 -> 服务,注意一下“Wireless Zero Configuration”这项服务启用没有,...