WIFI:WiFi_AMD-MediaTek_v3.3.0.789 下载地址: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GYBBm3vcJGJ-jMDtxAhCpw?pwd=7921 提取码:7921 安装方法:解压后找到 mtkwl6ex.inf右键 - 安装即可。
MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card这个驱动的话可以试一下 因为没办法直接搜到天选2 的型号(需要在机型里面慢慢找,麻烦死) 所以直接把网站发出来了 这个是天选2的驱动下载网址 ↓ https://www.asus.com.cn/supportonly/2021%20ASUS%20TUF%20Gaming%20A...
驱动说明 Lenovo联想GeekPro-14ACN台式机MediaTek WIFI驱动3.00.01.1198版For Win10-64(2021年10月25日发布) 本驱动支持以下系统: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit 本驱动支持以下部件: MediaTek Wi-Fi 6/6E Wireless LAN Card MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card ...
I've had continuous problems with the current wifi driver for the MediaTek WiFi 6 MT7921 on my ThinkBook 15 G3 ACL laptop. Particulary on startup it wouldn't automatically connect to my wifi on windows 11. I solved this by going to newer version viahtt...
这个我买了,目前的驱动还不支持wifi 7。价格和高通的qcncm865差不多,不如买高通的了。
3、更新驱动软件程序: 如果电脑可以连接网线,可以尝试点击“更新驱动软件程序”来更新到最新的驱动...
Re:Not showing up Mediatek wifi 6 mt7921 Hello@Troya87, Welcome to Lenovo Community! I'm sorry to read about the issue you're experiencing with your device's WLAN driver. Though, just to ask, what Lenovo laptop do you use? Please reply to this post with itsMTMnumber (ex. 81C70000...
适配器mediatekwifi6mt7921遇到与驱动程序您好亲,可以看到MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card这个驱动出现了感叹号,说明它出了问题。参考:适配器遇到与驱动程序或硬件相关的问题解决如果我的解答对您有所帮助,还请给个赞(在左下角进行评价哦),期待您的赞,您的举手之劳对我很重要,您的...