在弹出窗口,点击右下方“浏览”选择驱动安装文件(在之前下载驱动解压文件夹里找,例如安装 VCOM 驱动就选择cdc-acm.inf文件),选择后点击右上方“确定”; 硬件设备厂商和型号列表里选中“MediaTek USB Port”,点击“下一步”; 确认要安装的硬件窗口点击“下一步”; 等待复制文件后,点击“完成”硬件添加; 在设备管理...
Note:If you are on 64-bit Windows or Windows 8 or later versions, you will need to disabledigital driver signature enforcementas told in prerequisitesbelow. Or otherwise, Windows XP, Vista (32-bit) or Windows 7 (32-bit) users should ignore the prerequisites section and proceed to the steps...
Install the MTK Driver: Once you havedownloadedthe MTK Driver software, double-click on the file and follow the on instructions to install the software. you have to allow the signature warning prompt Check the connection: Keep pressing volume up & down key + Insert usb...
mx4黑砖发现设备MediaTek USB Port(COM) 只看楼主 收藏 回复___狐狸不是妖_ 魅之梦想 8 ___狐狸不是妖_ 魅之梦想 8 按照置顶贴下的刷机工具 ___狐狸不是妖_ 魅之梦想 8 刷不了 ___狐狸不是妖_ 魅之梦想 8 这吧还有大神吗 ___狐狸不是妖_ 魅之梦想 8 x ___狐狸不是...
To install the driver file for the MediaTek DA USB VCOM Preloader (Android) Driver follow the steps below. You may need to do a forced install which you can learn about here: How to Force Install a Driver In the device manager, right click on the device and go to update driver. Browse...
MediaTek P..怎么说呢。。。驱动是自动下载的——偷得浮生半日闲,子夜望天。西子湖畔莲开否?亭亭玉立,淤泥不染。伊人依旧在,两地相望?凉风过、垂柳摆、愿得一人心,白首不相离。
eeeeee T85 5 怎么手机不是现实开机画面而依然是充电 换了好多机子了啊 求解 eeeeee T85 5 dddddddddddddd ccttee T1981 1 不要管它,直接做下一步 说明书3.1 就会出现安装 MediaTek PreLoaderUSB VCOM Port”驱动了。登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播...
请问这个MediaTekda usb vcom port是什么,什么样的手机需要先刷preloader,刷机过程中有的是等待挂载da,...
亲们mediatek..root包有了,啥也弄明白了弄了一下午 这个驱动死活不出来扣了半天就显示手机充电提醒~~~怎么办怎么办!!T1981 大婶救救我~~ ..恭喜我已成砖