Demo of Human Activity Recognition using Mediapipe and LSTM model Video link: #MìAI Fanpage: Group trao đổi, chia sẻ: Website: Youtube:
我的系列文章一:Mediapipe入门——搭建姿态检测模型并实时输出人体关节点3d坐标 我的系列文章二:Mediapipe姿态估计——用坐标计算手指关节弯曲角度并实时标注 我使用的环境 Pycharm2021 mediapipe0.8.9 tensorflow2.3.0 openCV4.5.4 个人认为版本影响不大,可以跟我不一致,但tensorflow最好2.0以上 二、使用...
In this paper, a method for recognizing isolated words in Indian Sign Language (ISL) using MediaPipe holistic pipeline for feature extraction and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) network is proposed. The proposed method is evaluated on a large-scale ISL video dataset, INCLUDE, along with its ...
LSTM and fully connected layers for enhanced sequential data processing and hand gesture recognition.We also integrated CNN,max-pooling,and dropout layers for improved spatial feature extraction.This model architecture processes both temporal and spatial aspects of hand gestures,using LSTM to extract ...
First, we process the individual images in a given sequence using the MediaPipe framework and extract the regions of interest (ROI). The processed cropped image is then passed to the Inception-v3 for the 2D feature extractor. Finally, a long short-term memory (LSTM) network is used as a ...