Mediapipe Hand笔记 《MediaPipe: A Framework for Building Perception Pipelines》 ML pipeline 所谓pipeline就是把一件事分为多个工序,有的工序可以并行执行,提升效率。 《MediaPipe Hands: On-device Real-time Hand Tracking》 检测步骤 分为两个步骤(2阶段): 1先检测手掌 使用的是野外数据集训练的 2根据手掌图... 研究机构: Google Research 会议: CVPR2020 开始介绍之前,先贴一个模型的流程图,让大家对系统架构有个整体的概念 手部跟踪架构图 0. 摘要 (Abstract) 我们提出了一种实时设备上的手部跟踪解决方案,该方案可以从单张的RGB图像中预测人体的手部骨架,并且可以用...
The comment in the source says the result must have this property: Returns: A NamedTuple object with the following fields: 1) a "multi_hand_landmarks" field that contains the hand landmarks on e...
首先通过Mediapipe_Hand_Tracking_Init函数传递模型路径初始化Google Mediapipe Graph,然后注册手势识别坐标点回调函数或者手势识别结果坐标点函数,之后可以选择使用 Mediapipe_Hand_Tracking_Detect_Frame函数检测视频帧或者Mediapipe_Hand_Tracking_Detect_Video检测视频,并通过上一步注册的回调函数获取结果,在所有视频帧处理完成...
将Google Mediapipe中的手部追踪与识别功能封装成动态链接库,通过调用该库可以在桌面应用程序中进行手势识别以及得到手部关节坐标点。 参考Mediapipe –将Mediapipe handtracking封装成动态链接库dll/so,实现在桌面应用中嵌入手势识别功能的文档实现。 将hand_tracking封装成库的代码参见github。
MediaPipe TeamProject import generated by Copybara. Latest commitf5df228on Aug 19, 2019History 0contributors 725 lines (636 sloc)23.9 KB RawBlame Hand Tracking (GPU) This doc focuses on theexample graphthat performs hand tracking with TensorFlow Lite on GPU. It is related to thehand detection ...
We present a real-time on-device hand tracking pipeline that predicts hand skeleton from single RGB camera for AR/VR applications. The pipeline consists of two models: 1) a palm detector, 2) a hand landmark model. It's implemented via MediaPipe, a framework for building cross-platform ML ...
"//mediapipe/modules/hand_landmark:hand_landmark.tflite", "//mediapipe/modules/palm_detection:palm_detection.tflite", 到asset文件夹 配置Manifest
from rknn.api import RKNN if name == 'main': # 确定目标设备target target = 'rv1126' # 创建RKNN对象 rknn = RKNN() # 配置RKNN模型 print('--> config model') rknn.config(quantized_dtype='asymmetric_affine-u8', mean_values=[[128, 128, 128 ]], std_values=[[...