FileNotFoundError: The path does not exist.**报错,出现此类错误是由于python解释器的安装路径中存在中文字符导致。 小Tips: 注意此处为解释器的安装路径,而非项目文件路径 [ WARN:0@3.614] global D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\videoio\src\cap_msmf.cpp (539) `anonymous-namespace'::...
But if you add Unicode characters to the path of pip site-packages, for example, like this: import sys sys.path.append("E:/mediapipe/mp_env/Lib/site-packages中文") This error will appear: "FileNotFoundError: The path does not exist." It is no problem to remove the Unicode characters...
FileNotFoundError: The path does not exist. Here's my Program import pynput import HandTrackingMod as htm import time import os import cv2 import autopy from tkinter import * from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller keyboard = Controller() buttonText = ['Click Me'] cap = cv2.VideoCapture...
Either the path attribute of android_sdk_repository or the ANDROID_HOME environment variable must be set. even thought it was already set. then i set it manually in workspace, then build completed succesfully after checking some caches in 5 seconds which didn't do anything. result of make:-...
I used WSL (unbuntu) to compile and the compilation went very smoothly.BTW: Please explain what the MEDIAPIPE_NO_JNI compile argument does, and if you open it, it will point to a file that doesn't exist: resource_util_loonix.cc.
If you've not included/usr/local/Homebrew/bininPATH, do it here. # If you're using zsh# ~/.zprofileexport PATH=/usr/local/Homebrew/bin:$PATH# NOTE: The below command must be executed after `PATH` is exported.# Otherwise, when you run `brew`, `/usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew` (x86...
Describe the expected behavior: My goal was to create an aar to using the handtracking aar on Android Studio with gradle When I replace the .aar file in the libs folder (from the face_detection and multi_hand_tracking demo/example projects) with the one that I generated following the steps...
this has been found to be very ineffective. The path that is most often taken in the field of sign language is to work with a framework that provides you with an accurate representation of hands given an image. This simplifies the problem greatly - from "Given an image, what am I signin...
3. Dependent libraries are not linked This error typically also occurs when OpenCV is incorrectly configured. See opencv_linux.BUILD / opencv_windows.BUILD and check if the path is correct (if not, edit the BUILD file). You can also build and link OpenCV statically with --opencv=cmake opti...