A grade in a 4credit course affects your GPA more than a grade in a 3credit course. For example, suppose Joe took the following courses: • COURSE CR GR Calculus 4 C Discr. Math 3 A English Lit. 3 A Chemistry 4 D Comp. Sci. 3 B • Most colleges use the scale: A ...
Larichev, O.I., Moshkovich, E.M.: Qualitative Methods of Decision Making. Verbal Analysis of Decisions. Nauka, Fizmatlit, Moscow (1996). (in Russian) MATHGoogle Scholar Jiao, Y., Korba, A., Sibony, E.: Controlling the distance to a Kemeny consensus without computing it. In: Balcan,...
below. GroupedData midpoint(x) fx 250-60 440-50 530-40 720-30 1010-20 270-10 Frequency,fminutesLate EstimatingtheMean:Anestimateforthemeancanbeobtainedby assumingthateachoftherawdatavaluestakesthemidpointvalueof theintervalinwhichithasbeenplaced. 5 15 25 35 45 55 135 150 175 175 180 110 ...