the research showed that self-reported high frequency of distressing dreams among the middle and older age participants was significantly associated with cognitive decline later in life. According to the researchers, middle-aged adults who reported having distressing dreams on a weekly...
These anti-polar results, however, largely depend on the “singled-peakedness” of voter preferences, an assumption that is rapidly losing relevance in the age of polarization. This article presents a model of voter choice that examines three potential mechanisms that can undermine this finding: a...
We argue that the receptors are of interest as therapeutic targets that can be used against age-related cognitive decline. Copyright 2022. Published by Elsevier B.V.doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2022.174774Farangis RamezaniSara SalehianSoheila Hosseinzadeh...
However, compared to patients Without Long COVID, the Recovered Long COVID group had greater prevalences of fatigue, pain ( p ≤0.06) and subjective cognitive decline (61.8% vs 29.1%; p <0.01). Multivariate relative risk (RR) regression indicated Long COVID risk was greater for older age ...