Regarding these elements, it appears that development of the lateral rectus muscle may proceed even if its usual nerve supply is defective (hypoplasia of the 6th nerve nucleus) because of the presence of a substitute nerve branch coming from the oculomotor nerve. This extra branch may derive from...
The most anterior nerve and vascular pedicle were identified at 17.0 and 15.0mm from the sphenoid face, respectively.ConclusionThe neurovascular supply to the medial rectus muscle describes a varied but predictable pattern. This data allows the compartmentalization of the medial intraconal space into 3...
Masticatory muscle of infratemporal fossa; origin, pterygoid fossa of sphenoid and tuberosity of maxilla; insertion, medial surface of mandible between angle and mylohyoid groove; action, elevates mandible closing jaw; nerve supply, nerve to medial pterygoid from mandibular division of trigeminal. Sy...
necrosis - the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply) gangrene, mortification, sphacelus death - the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death" myonecrosis - localized death of...
nerve palsy was made.The child was admitted for surgery at 15 months of age.Preoperative evaluation revealed an exotropia of 70 PDwith totally absent ductions in the right eye (Figure 1).During surgery, forced duction test revealed contractureof the right lateral rectus muscle. Limitation of ...
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This is due to absence of the abducens (fifth cranial) nerve with aberrant innervation by the oculomotor (third cranial) nerve. Which of the following muscles is normally innervated by the abducens nerve? A、inferior oblique B、lateral rectus C、medial rectus D、superior oblique E、superior ...
We present a minimally-invasive medial gastrocnemius muscle flap harvesting technique using an endoscopic approach. Although similar endoscopic approaches have been previously described in cadavers [10] or for other muscle flaps (latissimus dorsi, gracilis, rectus abdominis, and tensor fascia latae) [[...
Diagnosis of left eye traumatic 6 th nerve palsy with medial rectus contracture was made. Left medial rectus recession with hangback sutures and Hummelsheim procedure were performed. Postoperatively, the patient's vision in the left eye had improved to 20/80...
SE and SWE can be used to identify structural alterations to the medial rectus muscle and optic nerve before clinically apparent Graves' ophthalmopathy has developed.doi:10.1007/s11604-020-01014-3Adnan zdemirMehmet H. ahanNee AsalMikail nal...