Miettinen, P.S., Pihlajamaki, M., Jauhiainen, A.M., Niskanen, E., Hanninen, T., Vanni- nen, R., et al., 2011. Structure and function of medial temporal and posteromedial cortices in early Alzheimer's disease. European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (2), 320-330....
506 // Based on geometry: analyse angle w.r.t. nearest moving507 // point. In the pointWallDist we transported the508 // normal as the passive vector. Note that this points509 // out of the originating wall so inside of the domain510 // on this patch....
Interestingly, we found no evidence of source accuracy effects in the hippocampus. Task- and material-invariant activity in the hippocampus has frequently been reported in episodic memory studies (Badre & Wagner,2007; Eichenbaum et al.,2007; Gottlieb et al.,2010; Uncapher & Rugg,2009) and is...
506 // Based on geometry: analyse angle w.r.t. nearest moving507 // point. In the pointWallDist we transported the508 // normal as the passive vector. Note that this points509 // out of the originating wall so inside of the domain510 // on this patch....
Relative changes in posteromedial cortical activity during fMRI task-performance ("task-induced deactivation responses") were examined by contrasting visual fixation to active processing of novel plus repeated words. In SPM2 correlational analyses, MTL volumes were entered as covariates of interest. ...
Jones-Gotman paper 1997.pdfJonesGotman, MZatorre, ROlivier, AAndermann, FCendes, FStaunton, HMcMackin, DSiegel, A MWieser, H