网络释义 1. 眶额皮质层中部 ...者对酒主观的感觉外,研究人员也扫描他们的脑部,监视眶额皮质层中部(medial orbitofrontal cortex)的神经活动,据信这是 …|基于4个网页 2. 内侧额叶眼眶 ...表现出明显的回应。」更具体地说:「在七分之一秒内,内侧额叶眼眶(medial orbitofrontal cortex)突然...
读音:美英 medial prefrontal cortex基本解释 前额皮质;内侧前额叶皮质;内侧前额叶;内侧;内侧额叶前皮质 分词解释 medial中间的,平均的,向中央延伸的 prefrontal额叶前部的,前额的 cortex皮质 medial prefrontal cortex是什么意思 medial prefrontal cortex怎么读 medial prefrontal cortex在线翻译 medial prefrontal cortex中文...
当红酒的价格提升时,人们觉得红酒更好喝了;而此时脑部眶额皮层中部(medial orbitofrontal cortex)的神经活动(与经历愉悦性相关的脑区)的血液含氧量会同时提升。红酒主要是酒精刺激了大脑放松的快乐。 可口可乐越来越便宜了,人们得到了快乐。可口可乐更有优势,喝的人越来越多,得到奖赏的人越多越多人的认可 随着脑科...
10.mediallip内侧唇 用法例句 1. In themedialtract, the multifidi originates on the sacrum. 在内侧束,多裂肌起源于骶骨。 2. TheMedialTemporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Implicit Memory. 内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用。 3. He looked in particular at the activity of themedialorbitofrontal cortex....
He looked in particular at the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortex. 他尤其关注内侧眶皮层的活动。 In this five year span, the medial age of household heads dropped by almost one full year. 在这五年内,户主的平均年龄几乎减了一年。
In summary, anxiety in catatonia may be accounted for by alteration in negative emotional processing inmedialorbitofrontal cortex andmedialpathway in prefrontal cortex. From theCambridge English Corpus Clinically, dysfunction in anterior cingulate andmedialprefrontal cortex may be reflected in mutism and stu...
大脑皮层中有三个区域对理性意识是关键的,内侧颞叶(medial temporal lobe)是形成长时的情景记忆的关键(第6版p1294),额顶网络(frontoparietal circuits)是概念认知和随意控制的关键(第6版p857, 1409),腹内侧前额皮层(ventromedial prefrontal cortex)和眶额叶皮层(orbitofrontal cortex)是价值抉择的关键(第6版p1059, ...
The Orbitofrontal Cortex The first structure considered is the orbitofrontal cortex, and although not a limbic structure such as the amygdala, has similar connections to the amygdala, is connected to the amygdala, and has considerably eclipsed in primates including humans the functions of the amygdala...
Medial orbitofrontal cortex gray matter is reduced in abstinent substance-dependent individuals. Medial orbitofrontal cortex gray matter is reduced in abstinent substance-dependent individuals. Biol Psychiatry. 2009;65(2):160-4... J Tanabe,JR Tregellas,M Dalwani,... - 《Biological Psychiatry》 ...