This article will review the role of behavioral theory in the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign and then will identify lessons learned as the Campaign evolved to adjust to new insights and the realities of the mission. It should be noted that the primary dependence on national advertising,... Currents: New Scholarship in the Human Services Dalhousie Review Denturism Canada Dianoia Diaspora - A Journal of Transnational Studies e-merge: A Student Journal of International Affairs Educated Solutions Eighteenth Century Fiction Energy Studies Review English Studies in Canada Environments...
Theory and Practice. Skönlitteratur/Roman Vikta bladSome Notes on the Use of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism (Heteroglossia) as a Method in Media Text Analysis Posted on 28 December, 2020 by Sandra Veinberg The method of literary text analysis, which was proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin, can ...
SUMMARY Wave propagation in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media is studied by the quasiisotropic approximation of ray theory. The approach is based on the ray-tracing and dynamic ray-tracing diierential equations for an isotropic background medium. In addition, it requires the integration of a sys...
how influential are certain media brands in changing perceptions or driving prescription? in other words, what does meaningful media look like – media that’s valuable, engaging and effective? we explore these topics and more in the whitepaper media means business. combining theory with practice ...
If we attempt to summarize the different considerations around the theory of media events in one definition, we could argue that “media events are specific, full of symbolism, representations of mediated communication, which have a specific thematic core, they can be found in the content of diff...
Baltov (2022) studied the alternative media discourses on Syrian and Ukrainian refugees in Bulgarian media using Foucault’s theory of discourse and power, examining the operations of legitimizing and delegitimizing refugee images. He recognized Ukrainian refugees as a privileged group in media ...
Embodiedstructuresof sports are discussed in works thatinquire about howsocial structures shape the bodilyaction and experience of the sports actors.Two focican be distinguished in the German-languagesociologyofsports:First,there arestudies based onBourdieu’stheory of classes, habitus,and practice which...
In practice nonlinearity enables digging a three-dimensional cavity for light, which in turn remains frozen and self-trapped. We study the effect of loss on stationary light doughnuts by developing a fully numerical soliton perturbative theory, finding that they evaporate over time due to absorption...
But cn=administrator is so commonplace in theory that it might possibly recur many times in an Active Directory forest, while referring to more than just one directory service entity. An absence of context means that you cannot know which device, site, realm, user group, or other entity type...