-Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran 人力资源部技职发展基金 -Pertubuhan Keselaman Sosial(PERKESO) 大马社会保险机构 L2-UTC-04 : Pusat Maklumat Rakyat 马来西亚政府中央机构 L2-UTC-05&06 : Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia(LHDN) 内陆税收局 -Cukai Pendapatan -Duti Setem L2-21 : Pusat Dialisis...
reports for publication, as well as on editorial decisions about what to include and what to leave out of the Malay and English texts. In order to achieve a measure of triangulation, we also present findings from semi-structured interviews conducted with journalists and editors of the two ...
Meitridwiastiti, A.A.A. Aspek Sosial Teks Drama Gong Larasati Karya: Ketut Putru. InSeminar Nasional Bahasa, Sastra, dan PengajarannyaSemin; Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni: Singaraja, Indonesia, 2018; Volume 5, pp. 152–161. [Google Scholar] ...