USA media release Experts call on politicians to step up and protect Koalas August 2015 Save The Koala Month is coming, are you ready? August 2015 Poor mapping allows projects to slip through NSW approvals process 14 July 2015 The New South Wales State Government cannot make informed decisions...
Media Release... Exclusive Deal For 6 Star Hotel... Last week's announcement by Lend Lease and Crown, that they had signed an exclusive agreement to develop a six star hotel at Barangaroo South, has attracted wide ranging media coverage and commentary. Below is a summary of the media rele...
Ms Tongs said that in this case the ACT government relies on data that relates only to detainees who were re-imprisoned within two years of release and completely ignores the rest. If the information is based on the latest ABS data on recidivism rates of all detainees and not just those ...
Hunt and Forrest call for the Victorian Government to endorse the Barkindji Biosphere - Joint media release 29 July 2005 today said the failure of the Victorian Government to endorse the nomination of the Barkindji Bioshpere Reserve showed it was out of touch with the Malle... 被引量: 0...
The archer must pay attention to their breathing, stance, aim, and release all at once to hit the target with precision. This kind of mental focus can be very beneficial for children as it trains their minds to stay focused on one task for an extended time. The mental focus required for...
Innovative Lawyers in science and technology for the commercialisation of Genomical, a clinical genomics platform improving health outcomes for patients. We designed an innovative commercialisation structure, which meets the differing requirements of all Alliance members and the Victorian government as fu...
One to three food manufacturers were met with per media release. Conclusions: Disseminating sodium-monitoring data through media releases can be used as a tool to gain access to the media and reach consumers with salt reduction messages, and to engage food manufacturers in discussions about salt ...
Last year Moore made one of his periodic trips to a loftier landscape by dreaming up The Great Victorian Col- lection. B romance that stretched the facts too far for easy consumption. But this year he is back at the fence, trafficking in top-grade titde-tattle about straight sex of the...
“Eighteen months after the release of‘Leaves and Feathers’, the last album from British singer/songwriter Reg Meuross, the track ‘I Saw a Woman’ which was a highlight of that collection, still sends shivers down the spine; it’s a chilling tale at odds with the gentle, inviting vocal...
Caught up ina financial dispute between producer Handmade Films and distributor Cannon, Clayton’s passion project had a limited US release in late 1987 before being shelved. Despite awards attention for Smith and Hoskins in 1988, the film disappeared into the wallpaper, much like its heroine. ...