When this quality floor is in effect, the codec and supporting framework code will work to ensure that the generated video is of at least a "fair" or "good" quality. The metric used to choose these targets is the VMAF (Video Multi-method Assessment Function) with a target score of 70 ...
CSS adapted and extended this functionality with its @media and @import rules, adding the ability to query the value of individual features: Inside a CSS style sheet, one can declare that sections apply to certain media types: @media screen { * { font-family: sans-serif } } ...
// Create a media condition that targets viewports at least 768px wide const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia( '( min-width: 768px )' ) // Note the `matches` property if ( mediaQuery.matches ) { console.log('Media Query Matched!') } Unfortunately, this only fires once so if the ...
// Create a condition that targets viewports at least 768px wideconstmediaQuery=window.matchMedia('(min-width: 768px)') functionhandleTabletChange(e){// Check if the media query is trueif(e.matches){// Then log the following message to the consoleconsole.log('Media Query Matched!')}}...
// targets, foond <$1 $2=\"$3\">.", "uploaded-href-unsafe-target-svg": "Foond href tae unsauf data: URI target <$1 $2=\"$3\"> in the uplaidit SVG file.", "uploaded-animate-svg": "Foond \"animate\" tag that micht be cheengin href, uisin ...
-or- Sets how to determine whether this view is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. (Inherited from View) ImportantForAutofill Gets the mode for determining whether this view is important ...
The AudioPresentation class encapsulates the information that describes an audio presentation which is available in next generation audio content. Used by MediaExtractorMediaExtractor#getAudioPresentations(int) and AudioTrackAudioTrack#setPresentation(AudioPresentation) to query available presentations and to ...
#ERROR_BAD_VALUE if an invalid parameter was passed, or #ERROR if unable to query for output properties, or the minimum buffer size expressed in bytes. Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Returns the estimated minimum buffer size required for an AudioTrack object to be created in the #MODE_ST...
USAGE: mnamer [preferences] [directives] target [targets ...] POSITIONAL: [TARGET,...]: media file file path(s) to process PARAMETERS: The following flags can be used to customize mnamer's behaviour. Their long forms may also be set in a '.mnamer-v2.json' config file, in which...
This means that there should be as many control structures as encode surfaces, and the same array index should be used for both. The code below shows adding control structure allocation to surface allocation. // Query number of required surfaces for encoder mfxFrameAllocRequest EncRequest; memset...