The @media CSS at-rule can be used to apply part of a style sheet based on the result of one or more media queries. With it, you specify a media query and a block of CSS to apply to the document if and only if the media query matches the device on which
The CSS media queries module enables testing and querying of viewport values and browser or device features, to conditionally apply CSS styles based on the current user environment. Media queries are used in the CSS @media rule and other contexts and lan
The @media CSS at-rule can be used to apply part of a style sheet based on the result of one or more media queries. With it, you specify a media query and a block of CSS to apply to the document if and only if the media query matches the device on which
我们知道,我们给网页HTML写样式用的主要是CSS(层叠样式表)语言的规则,比如:盒模型设置宽高背景色什么的。 目前我们使用的最新版本的层叠样式表主要是CSS第三版,也就是CSS3,CSS3带来的新特性、新功能有很多,比如:圆角效果、图形化边界、块阴影与文字阴影、使用RGBA实现透明效果、渐变效果、使用@Font-Face实现定制字...
mdn的教程有一节是讲media的,里面例子是media print代码和效果如下后面有个练习是将css中的@media print部分写到一个新的css里,然后用@import引入,但是引入以后的print预览出现了问题,似乎是和非media中的元素出了冲突,"heading for page media"和页脚都不显示,把非media的两行注释掉,可以显示了,但是页脚的计数器...
The CSSMediaRule is an interface representing a single CSS @media rule. It implements the CSSConditionRule interface, and therefore the CSSGroupingRule and the CSSRule interface with a type value of 4 (CSSRule.MEDIA_RULE). Syntax The syntax is described using the WebIDL format. interface CSSMed...
I had a similar problem where I tried to divide the media query into another CSS file and imported it into the main CSS. In the first approach, the media query only worked when I used a lot of !important declarations. However, when I moved the @media query to the end of my main CS...
Media Querieshover,pointer,any-hoverandany-pointer, MDN Web Docs Wrapping Up Browsing a site is a process that can be made in multiple ways and devices. Keeping this in mind is very important because some of those cases require our site to adapt to their specific needs. CSS has media que...
i used bootstrap in a press site but it does not worked on IE8, i used css3-mediaqueries.js javascript but still not working. if you want your media query to work with this javascript file add screen to your media query line in css here is an example : @media screen and...
译自MDN A media query consists of an optional media type and zero or more expressions that limit the style sheets’ scope by using media features, such as width, height, and color. Media queries, added in ...