Media Query 是用来做 RWD 的, 类似 JS 的 if else. 写的多有伤管理, 所以要谨慎使用哦. 参考: Learn CSS Media Query In 7 Minutes @media screen / print / all screen 是屏幕, 手机, 平板, 电脑都算 print 是打印 ctrl + p 的情况下. all...
Again the content is adjusted, the email is added as a pseduo element purely with CSS. At really wide widths, above 1151px, we will again add the icon as we used before. The cool part here is that we don’t have to write an additional media query segment, we can just append an ad...
To do this, I’ve simply added another media query with a new condition below the main one: ‹link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-device-width:540px) and (max-device-width:960px)" href="mob_vhigh.css"/› ‹link rel="stylesheet"...
遗憾是的,IE8 及更老版本的浏览器不支持 CSS3 Media Queries,不过可以使用 Javascript 弥补,下面是一些解决方案: CSS Tricks - using jQuery to detect browser size The Man in Blue - using Javascript jQuery Media Queries Plugin 附:CSS3 Media Queries 浏览器兼容性表 CSS3 Media Queries 应用案例 需要在...
1. For iPad 你还可以使用 media query 在 iPad 上检测方向(portrait or landscapse)(作者:Cloud Four)。 1. 2. Media Queries for IE 遗憾是的,IE8 及更老版本的浏览器不支持 CSS3
你还可以使用 media query 在 iPad 上检测方向(portrait or landscapse)(作者:Cloud Four)。 1 2 Media Queries for IE 遗憾是的,IE8 及更老版本的浏览器不支持 CSS3 Media Queries,不过可以使用 Javascript 弥补,下面是一些解决方案: CSS Tricks - using jQuery to detect...
在@media{}大括號之內,就如往常一樣撰寫此media條件下的CSS設定。import CSS的寫法也一樣:@import "screen.css" screen and (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 700px)query條件的用法@media [media type] and [(media feature)]單一條件例:如果視窗最小寬度為500px,就套用這些CSS...
Reduced Motion 功能的检测关键词是 prefers-reduced-motion,使用 CSS Media Query 就可以针对开启「减弱动态效果」的用户进行页面性能优化: 减少运动媒体查询可以提供替代动画的体验,把动画的最终帧样式展示给用户 @keyframesambient{ // Keyframes for an ambient animation that is purely decorative. ...
CSS Tricks - 使用jquery判断浏览器尺寸 The Man in Blue - 使用Javascript(这篇文章是六年前写的) jQuery Media Queries 插件 示例站点 你可以使用支持media query的浏览器访问下面的站点,例如:Firefox, Chrome, 和 Safari。可以查看他们针对浏览器宽度所做的布局响应。
The original question asks about media queries as they were the only way to "query" a document at the time. Today, after a decade of work by the CSS Working Group and the community, we now have what's known as container queries, described in the CSS Containment Module, ...