微软在前不久就已经对Media Player进行界面升级,以及加入播放CD,现在开发者通道的新版app又加入了可以rip CD的功能,用户可以把他们的CD碟上音乐转换成AAC、WMA、FLAC或ALAC文件,方便再转移到手机或平板上聆听,这对于一些仍在购买CD音乐碟的用户就挺有用处,虽说这类工具有很多,但Windows自带app就能做到的话,还...
Click on Windows Media Player. If the Menu bar is not showing at the top, Right-click on an empty space just below the top bar, then click Show menu bar. Click the Tools menu, then click Options. Click the Rip Music tab. In the Rip settings section, click the drop-down men...
Switch to theRipMusic section, click on theChange button,and mention the destination location to save the converted video file In Rip settings, underFormat, selectMP3and hit theOKbutton Now, you can play the converted MP4 video file in Windows Media Player without any hustle. Method 3: Run ...
Switch to theRip Musicsection, click on theChangebutton and mention the destination location to save the converted video file InRip settings, underFormatselectMP3and hit theOKbutton Now, you can play the converted MP4 video file in Windows Media Player without any difficulty. Solution 3# Run the...
4. Restart Windows Media Player. Click the Burn tab. You should see two empty lists: Burn List and Track List on Audio CD: Windows Media Player Burn Music Tab 5. Click the "Display properties and settings" icon. The Properties dialog box shows up. Change the write speed to 4X to ...
If you can't find it on your desktop, click the Start menu at the bottom-left corner and enter Windows Media Player, then click on it to open. Step 3. In the library of WMP, click the CD you want to rip in the left sidebar. Then click Rip settings on the menu row near the ...
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer.Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer.
MediaMimetypeTextSubrip VideoScalingModeScaleToFit VideoScalingModeScaleToFitWithCropping 属性 方法 事件 MediaPlayer.BufferingUpdateEventArgs MediaPlayer.DrmInfo MediaPlayer.DrmInfoEventArgs MediaPlayer.DrmPreparedEventArgs MediaPlayer.ErrorEventArgs MediaPlayer.InfoEventArgs MediaPlayer.IOnBufferingUpdateListener Media...
Windows Media Player cannot rip tracks from the CD correctly because the CD drive settings in Device Manager do not match the CD drive settings in the Player.%0 0xC00D0FB1 Windows Media Player is busy reading the CD.%0 0xC00D0FB2 Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to pl...
CD 擷取作業變更狀態時,就會發生 CdromRipStateChange 事件。syntax 複製 [C#] private void player_CdromRipStateChange( object sender, _WMPOCXEvents_CdromRipStateChangeEvent e ) [Visual Basic] Private Sub player_CdromRipStateChange( sender As Object, e As _WMPOCXEvents_CdromRipStateChangeEv...