mediaplayer.start()方法最好写到setOnPreparedListener的onPrepared函数中启动;虽然有时候prepareAsync()/prepare()之后直接写start方法也不会报错,但是我们要消除这个bug!! 停止播放MediaPlayer后,一定要再次调用MediaPlayer的prepareAsync()方法,而不能直接调用start()方法!从上面的MediaPlayer生命周期中可以看到。 都加上...
publicabstractbooleanonInfo(MediaPlayermp,intwhat,intextra) 1. --方法作用: 出现了信息或者警告的时候回调; --参数介绍: ---a. MediaPlayer mp: MediaPlayer 实体对象; ---b. int what: 信息或者警告的类型, 如 MEDIA_INFO_UNKNOWN(未知的信息), MEDIA_INFO_VEDIO_TRACK_LAGGING(视频过于复杂解码太慢),...
Prepared 状态 MediaPlayer 可进行的操作 : 在这个状态 MediaPlayer 可以进行 音频视频属性 循环属性等操作; 5. Started (开始) 状态 Started 状态迁移 : 在 Prepared 状态调用 start() 方法, MediaPlayer 即迁移到了 Started 状态; -- 判断 MediaPlayer 是否在 Started 状态 : 在任何状态下调用 isPlaying() ...
Prepared 状态 MediaPlayer 可进行的操作: 在这个状态 MediaPlayer 能够进行 音频视频属性 循环属性等操作; 5. Started (開始) 状态 Started 状态迁移: 在 Prepared 状态调用start()方法, MediaPlayer 即迁移到了 Started 状态; --推断 MediaPlayer 是否在 Started 状态: 在不论什么状态下调用isPlaying()方法, 能...
Paused (暂停) 状态迁移: 在 Started 状态调用pause()方法, MediaPlayer 会进入 Paused 状态; --状态迁移时间: Started 状态转换为 Paused 状态需要一定时间, 这个过程是异步的, 过一段时间之后 isPlaying() 状态才会改变; --回到 Started 状态: 在 Paused 状态调用start()方法, 会进入 Started 状态; ...
* @see */ public static final int MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_TRACK_LAGGING = 700; /** MediaPlayer is temporarily pausing playback internally in order to * buffer more data. * @see */ public static final int MEDIA_INFO_...
the MediaPlayer the info pertains to. what MediaInfo the type of info or warning. #MEDIA_INFO_UNKNOWN#MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_TRACK_LAGGING#MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_RENDERING_START#MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START#MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_ENDMEDIA_INFO_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH (703) - bandwidth information is available (as ...
Users might seek alternatives to VLC Media Player due to preferences for a different user interface, additional features not available in the program, performance issues like lagging or compatibility problems, or specialized needs such as specific codec support. While VLC offers robust functionality and...
O'Halloran said some media are catching up while others are lagging behind in the era of traditional media's convergence with new media."I'm proud that Sky News in Australia is leading the way in Australia in the use of the individual platforms, and getting different audiences across ...
Unknown 1 Unspecified media player info. UnsupportedSubtitle 901 VideoNotPlaying 805 VideoRenderingStart 3 The player just pushed the very first video frame for rendering. VideoTrackLagging 700 The video is too complex for the decoder: it can't decode frames fast enough.Remarks...