Media Player Codec Pack is a software package that lets you playback video and audio in your favorite media player, in one easy-to-use installer.
The Media Player Codec Pack is not a media player itself but it does install into your media player and may act as a major update. The codecs allow a media player to play files with almost every compression type and file type (audio/visual file types). If your media player is unable ...
Media Player Codec Pack free download. Get the latest version now. Media Player Codec Pack for Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 7 Video and Audio Playback
Media Player Codec Pack最新版是一款功能强大的音视频的解码器。Media Player Codec Pack官方版能够为多种音频和视频格式提供解码和编码服务,完美解决软件无法播放媒体文件的问题。Media Player Codec Pack软件安装简单,还拥有高级选项,全面满足播放需求。 软件介绍 ...
K-Lite Codec Pack是解码器包的鼻祖,它可以扩展播放器功能,使其能解码更多格式。它也自带经典播放器media player classic(MPC),可以让解码器包配合他使用。提供绝大多数影音格式的解码器,装了它,您的播放器就可以通吃绝大多数的影音格式。 关于KCP的版本 ...
官网首页Media+Player+Codec+Pack软件版本:安全下载 毒霸软管提供安全下载服务
软件简介 Media Player Codec Pack Plus电脑版是可以对音频做到很好编辑的操作管理。Media Player Codec Pack Plus电脑版可以支持多种格式的音频的编辑操作。 软件特色 媒体播放器的解码包,支持几乎所有的压缩和使用现代化的视频和音频文件的文件类型。 该软件包是安装简单,同时还提供了高级设置到高端用户: ...
Media Player Codec Pack Lite was created to make installing majormultimediacodec's, filters, plug-ins and splitters easyEditions:Standard|Plus|Lite Download Latest version:4.6.1 File Size:31.8mb Price:$0 (Free) Compatible with: Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7, Server 2022, 2019, 2016 ...
The Media Player Codec Pack是一个音频和视频的编码/解码过滤器安装合集包。安装之后你将能够播放绝大多数格式的多媒体文件。视频方面支持AVI, MKV, OGM, MP4,MPG, MPEG, VOB, DAT, FLV, PS, TS, NUV。音频方面支持AC3, DTS, AAC, APE, FLAC, TTA, WV, OGG, Vorbis, MO3, IT, XM, ...
音频和视频的编码/解码过滤器(Media Player Codec Pack) Loading...