PERANCANGAN BUKU POP-UP RANGKAIAN HARI RAYA NYEPI SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SISWA HINDU DI SEKOLAH DASAR 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 1 作者: IN Yasa 摘要: Hinduism has so many rituals or ceremonies to celebrate. One of them is a ceremony to commemorate the Saka New Year which in...
Keywords: Kohesi gramatikal, teks berita, media kabar elektronik, implikasi pembelajaran bahasa. 1. INTRODUCTION Language is a means of communication used to convey something to others. In addition to improving language skills, language learning can also improve the ability to think and express ...
PEMANFAATAN MEDIA TIK TUTORIAL UNTUK REMEDIAL PADA PEMBELAJARAN ALAT UKUR DI SMP Remedial learning will be more effective if the process is done through media or other models which are different from the previous one. It is assumed that the use of media and methods will help the students to ...