Originally, the product was advertised as having the Windows 11 Pro operating system, and it was only after my complaint that they corrected their advertising. Whether it was an honest mistake or something more intentional, I believe better accountability and transparency are needed to prevent such...
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近日,匈牙利零售商Mediamarkt网站上却出现了PS4版《恶魔之魂:重制版》,显示售价为29999匈牙利福林(约合人民币656元),将于11月19日发售。 目前,Mediamarkt网站上PS4版《恶魔之魂:重制版》的真实性有待确认,而且很有可能是一个错位消息。因为,和《漫威蜘蛛侠:迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯》和《地平线2:禁忌西部》一样,《...
Nice work :) But have you seen Sony's official response already? They jumped on the defensive so quickly. Anonymous November 06, 2006 congratulations. you guys are amazing. Anonymous November 06, 2006 Can u tell us more about the media marktplace how it works, when renting.. Anonymous Nove...
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谷歌与联想合作推出的ChromebookDuet11已经正式上市,笔记本搭载了联发科Kompanio838芯片,起售价为339.99美元。ChromebookDuet11的主要配置包括11英寸2K触控显示屏,16:10的屏幕比例,以及前后摄像头分别为500万像素和800万像素。这款设备以其出色的性能和便携性,有望吸引学生、专业人士以及移动办公用户的广泛关注。... ...
Access Windows Version Library from MacGeazi11596March 08, 2022, 06:59:14 am byJimH Adding audio devices in playback otionsIsabela82683December 28, 2020, 11:35:45 am byIsabela Adding fields to the databaseYankeeInLondon21794September 05, 2020, 08:01:41 pm ...
Ich liebe Wacom-Tablets, aber es gibt viele sehr gute Tablets auf dem Markt. Hier sind einige meiner Wacom-Empfehlungen: gutes Anfänger-Tablet: Intuos Draw ausgezeichnetes, zuverlässiges Tablet (ich benutze es seit Jahren): Intuos 3 das Upgrade: Wacom Intuos Pro (Wenn ...
As she told us, "the bank's management didn't say it was because I was a woman, but I think society just wasn't ready. I kept pushing and, at last, eight months later, I got the job. My manager congratulated me, yet he candidly told me not to look for any promotions. The bus...
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